End of year update from our Vice President of Welfare and Equalities

Dear all,
We are about to complete half of the 21/22 academic year. What an incredible semester! I have worked hard to always provide you with the best experience.
This is what I have done during this semester
- I have been working on 'Decolonisation' throughout this semester. As a part of this work, I have worked with the SU team and delivered a successful session on 'The Decolonisation Talk', also part of our Black History Month 2021 celebration.
- I've worked with the SU team from July to September, and we delivered a successful 'Freshers' Event'.
- After that, I have helped our VP Education, Rabbi, on his Course Rep Election by helping to elect course reps at the start of the academic year and delivering welcome talks to new students.
- I have attended 'The Residential Life Ambassador' (RLA) training, where we discussed how we can help resident students.
- I have worked with 'Rethink Mental Health Illness' on creating opportunities for our students to help out other students facing mental health issues as 'Step Up Champion at LSBU'.
- I have also attended the T H E (Times Higher Education), an event about competition, collaboration, and future teaching and learning across Europe.
- In November, I ran a campaign on "Stammering Awareness". You might have seen the posters around campus. You can see the talks we had about it here.
- Right now, I am currently working with the University on their Race Equality Charter and with the SU on some upcoming projects.
I hope to see you soon on campus when everything is back to normal. Take care of yourselves and follow the government rules and regulations.
Jannatul Ferdous.